Monday, February 05, 2007

darwin yo

As if it's not enough having dozens of posters plastered all over the school walls exhorting guys to burn a hole in their pockets and buy their girls handheld bee-farms to remind me that I'm probably gonna be spending v-day slugging it out with the Covenant in Halo, my class on animal behaviour has to start talking about natural selection.

Basically the theory is that nature leaves only those animals that would produce viable offspring and eliminate the rest and one aspect of this theory goes something like this.

The solid red line represents the steady stream of females going for the hunks of the species and thus explains the need for the little black box so they can take a queue number. The dotted line represents those females who got tired of waiting and decided some is better than none. The ugly ones die out and their ugly genes with them. Then the cycle repeats itself so things become somewhat like this.

Now even the hunks get split into grade A and grade B and the queue ticket dispenser has to be upgraded to computerized one.
I realized how relevant that idea is even today and how much it parodies real life. Take my own situation for example.

**Names have been changed to ensure confidentiality. If you’re not fooled and know exactly who I’m talking about, tell them they’re famous the next time you see them**

Once again the red lines represent the flow of female attentions. There are some differences though. The three oblong shapes represent an Altis, a RAV4 and a BMW 7 respectively and the kidney shaped thing behind is supposed to be a swimming pool.

Ah well I guess one less Tan isn’t that much of a loss.


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