Sunday, November 19, 2006

here's where i pretend i know something

While not-trying-very-hard to study psychology yesterday I came across this bit about an undergraduate's stress scale. The chapter was Stress and Health. You can just hear Alanis Morrisette singing in the background can't you?

But anyway this scale gave 'stress units' to different kinds of things that could happen to an undergrad in the past 12 months like having 2 exams on the same day (80units), financial difficulties (84 units) and even being raped (100 units!). You're supposed to add the scores of all the stuff that applies to you together and then you get a measure of how stressed you are. Supposedly if you get a score below 150 you're fine and dandy and if you get something above 300 chances are you might be in for a visit to the madhouse sometime in the near future.

I got 744

Bloody hell....


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