Sunday, November 12, 2006

say huuuh?

Wow, as if its not enough that they haven't exactly got a reputation for being the brightest people about, Americans have found themselves a new cause to campaign for.

To ABOLISH HOMEWORK on the grounds that:

"There is nothing that shows that kids will be smarter or better educated...if they do homework. So kids are spending a lot of time doing work that nobody has really been able to say is beneficial"

Well at least so says the co-author of some anti-homework book.

Um...well...ok lady, whatever floats your boat...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who the hell are u to comment. shes done her research and shes a lawyer btw. who the fuck are u jackass

8:26 PM  
Blogger isaac! said...

Oh I don't know. Some guy who didn't do his homework I guess.

8:47 PM  

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