Tuesday, March 15, 2005

fried rice and discount flights

Sigh. Get this. Quantas is offering a return, economy class trip to Perth for $98. Well it startds from 98 bucks. According to them it doesn't include airport taxes, service fees, insurance and fuel surcharges. Whatever those are. Anyway I doubt they'd make up much. Unless of course I'm totally wrong and they make up $600 worth and the total fare is actually $700. The catch is you gotta book by 1700 on Thursday.

One major problem. NOBODY WANTS TO GO!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!@!@!$@#$%#^
To be fair some really can't go, but for those who just don't want!!!! Sigh. Story of my life.

On a nicer point I managed to cook chao fan for the first time today. I dumped in every single sauce I could find in the fridge. And some eggs. And it came out not too bad. Actually wanted to bake something but couldn't find my mom's recipe book. Wonder where she hides it. Take it out to the world and sell!!! BUAHAHAH!!

......in some places they call my behaviour neurotic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many of us wants to cruise the world and the expensive fare is the reason on why we can't travel the whole wide world. This is also the reason on why we kept on waiting for promos and discounts in flight.

12:36 AM  

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