Monday, March 13, 2006

who ever said history was boring?

The prof for my Singapore Military History module is hilarious! He's this huge Canadian guy who's totally obssessed with football, ice hockey and the ways our grandfathers went about blowing each other to pieces.

Every lecture starts off with him proudly displaying the Arsenal crest and then waxing lyrical about Henry and co's exploits for the week, especially after last week's pushing aside of Real. If any of us had stood up and starting crooning an Arsenal anthem he might've just given him an A for the rest of the semester. The next slide would then usually be a larger than life Montreal Canadien's (ice hockey) crest with one exception. That would be when the Canadian women's ice hockey team wiped out the rest of the competition to clinch their umpteenth Winter Olympics gold medal, and prompting the Olympic committee to seriously consider taking women's ice hockey out of the next Games altogether because the Canadians are just too owning. He was so ecstatic we were all pretty sure we'd be witness to him jumping on the table, clicking his heels and dancing a jig.

Ok he didn't. But he sure looked like he was going to.

Tutorial class is a hoot too. For some reason, his idea of a perfectly sized project group is essentially the number of people in the class......divided by one. So right now we end up with a project group consisting of 28 people!!!! And project discussions go something like this:

Some guy tried to explain the ideas we've come with while speaking softly:

'Err, so prof, we've kinda deci-'

And nearly jumped out of his skin when he got cut off:

'Speak the hell up or get the hell out of here! What on earth are you trying to say?'

He was decidedly happier however, after someone else finally manged to explain the project proposal and, as discussions went along, he realised its potential for him to be able to:

1. Eat Malay food
2. Drink beer.
3. Drink more beer.
4. Be witness to a great big ball of a coffeeshop fight.

Now he's promised to buy us all a round if he gets to have his way. If all Canadians are like that I ain't coming back after Work and Travel.


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