Monday, February 20, 2006


Darn it I wish I wasn't such a friggin coward.

Went down to the National Library in town to work on a presentation for my management module and having the really short attention span that I do, it wasn't long before I got distracted by the 64 issues of Ultimate X-men in my lapotop. Specially after the internet connection in the library went bust. So there I was happily gazing at the gorgeous art and finding out how Beast turned blue.

And then I looked up.

And then I saw her.

And all of a sudden I was happily gazing at her and not giving a damn if the sky turned bright pink with purple polka dots.

Unfortunately this is where my being a coward plays a part. I sat there across the table from her for the better part of an hour and all I could do was pretend that I was more interested in Nightcrawler being part of Weapon X than I was in her.

Maybe I ought to go see the Wizard of Oz.


Blogger michelle said...

eh?? saw WHO??

3:31 PM  
Blogger isaac! said...

haha, pretty girl la. I also dunno who. call her babe can already.

8:24 PM  

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