Thursday, April 20, 2006

dance dance

Took an unofficial break yesterday night and went out for a bit with Mark and JH after disciple group at my place. Boy that really hit the spot. Its been so long since I've been able to just get rid of the niggling feeling that I'm not doing enough. Going down the highway with the windows down, the stereo blasting and hollering all sorts of friggin nonsense like madmen.....haha straight out of Thelma and Louise. I know its impossible here but I'm still of the opinion that everybody should have the opportunity to have a car when they're young. There's a freedom there that I think we all desperately need sometimes. Our lives here are so scripted sometimes. I know we don't feel it but most of us don't realise we just read like a bad Channel 8 script. Oh wait, let me rephrase that. We just read like a Chanel 8 script. A good Channel 8 script is like El Dorado. Everybody says its there, just that no one's ever found it yet.

So anyway ok, enough existentialist rumbling. Went down to Holland V from my place where I finally got to see the infamous GL!! Hers is a name that I've been hearing around since my ACS(I) days. I think at that time almost every other guy I knew was raving about her. I just had no idea who the hell that was. But I guess the reality didn't really live up to the mythical proportions. Hmmm frankly her friend M wasn't too bad. Law somemore. Just next door only. Shite la. When law buggers off to Bukit Timah campus next sem we'll lose a good sources of babes. Not that Arts doesn't have but still......darn it.

So hung out at Coffee Club for a while and grabbed their friggin nice and fattening and heaty and phelgm causing muddy mud pie but what the hell. I'm not sure when we decided to go say hi to the SMUggers at Zouk but hey when you have a car, you own Singapore (Shaun's words not mine). FWAH...I haven't seen so many pretty girls in one place in a long long long time. Oh never! Shite la. Its too bad I hate clubbing. Oh well.

12 days to the states and I don't give a damn.


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