Saturday, May 14, 2005

Mission Log #001 Operation CANDLE SHINE

Team's assembled and waiting at FRV. Minor hiccups in transition to final rendevous but the operative in question managed to recover from the mistake in time. Slightly behind time, but for once time is on our side. Final mission preps on the way, orders being run through, confirmation that everyone knows their role. Objective in sight and being constantly monitered. Insider in place and forward scout has infiltrated and made contact with asset inside objective. Odd though, weird that they assigned an Air Force operative to be the forward scout. I suppose he must be of some good.

Mission time start. Green light has been given. Tactical movement to breach point. Silent breach. Kudos to insider. Special caution taken with OP on high ground. For some reason, sentry is preoccupied somewhere else. Easy breach.

Assembled for door breach. Silent breaching as far as possible. Unexpeted situation. Target is directly behind door! Abort door breach! Tactical positions. Everybody down and behind overhanging cover. We are joined by the forward scout. Situation calms down.

3 minutes of waiting and from what we hear, target suspects nothing. Yet. Door opens and inside asset strolls out looking for us. Signal out. Signal confirmed. Authenticated. Update on tactical situation. Target smells a rat. Had a fleeting glimpse of the forward scout (AIR FORCE!!) and noticed the bundle of equipment left in the insider's care. Not good. Secondary plan in the works. Carry on with infiltration. Direct assault if necessary.

Secondary plan in place. Presentation of sacrificial lamb. The forward scout has nobly agreed to surrender in order to throw target off the scent, allowing the rest of the team to take up strategic postitions. We play the waiting game now. Risky, but its better than allowing the whole team under fire.

Waiting again. almost half an hour from mission start. We have no block party. Should the info be wrong and reinforcements arrive, we'll be sitting ducks. Hunker down, target is approaching. Its working! Capture of forward scout has emboldened him. Confident of his security, he is laughing away, gloating no doubt. Signal out. Three seconds to go.

3 - 2 -1


(the events and happenings described here are based on true events that did actually happen. any resemblance of any of the characters to persons living or deceased is...well..not exactly coincidental)


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