Wednesday, May 11, 2005


So this is it. Collected my last paycheque just now. Finally quit nydc. And the paycheque just underlines the main reason why I want to leave. bloody hell. I slog like a pig for two weeks and I get a measly 270 bucks? Thats just plain fucked man. It ain't just peanuts. Its frikkin ground up chinese new year gua ji on one of those useless McDonald's spatulas.

Everyone seems to be going away these days. All over the place they go. to study, to work, to see the world. There they discover and experience completely foreign cultures and mindsets and find they love them so much. Love the freedom of expression and personality. The withdrawal from the rat race. The knowledge that not getting a degree isn't a ticket to disaster. So completely different from what we're so used to here in Singapore. So is our society over here really so completely off-putting that we find other cultures so utterly irresistable? I mean, are we really that devoid of appeal? Sure down here you can't wake up and have the Alps for your rear window view. Or a local watering hole to go to every Saturday to watch the match being played by your local team, Liverpool FC. And you can't act like a pompous asshole and pretend youo nly speak French. But one thing that this place has over the others. I guess all I can say is that it simply feels like home. No Norah, thats not your line.

But then again, who am I to say? After all, I havn't been anywhere further than New Zealand. Where 'Sheep' is a national language. And everybody goes to bed at five after doing their daily chores of sheep shearing, sheep loving, sheep hugging and sheep shitting.

I need to get out of this continent for a while.


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