Thursday, July 26, 2007

something isn't right here

The news this morning that one of the Korean hostages had been killed left me rather more affected than I would've expected. I suppose that's probably a consequence of them being Christians too but I couldn't stop thinking about what it must feel like to have one's entire life be reduced to nothing more than a bargaining chip and the irony that while we see superheroes just about eveyrwhere we go these days, they're most painfully absent from the place we need them most: right here, in the real world.

The scariest part about all this? I tried talking about it to some people and they hadn't the slightest inkling what I was talking about. The situation's been on the news for the past few days causing a huge diplomatic ruckus and its on the front page of the newspapers today but nobody gives a damn about it. Ask them about the tug of war for abn amro and you'd probably get every detail, significant or no, in the space of 30 seconds.

Its things like these that really make me think the world is coming to an end. And probably not soon enough either.


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