Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I haven't had much of good experience with my other two business modules so I was pretty apprehensive about my first Entrepreneurial Marketing lesson yesterday. Hari Raya made it impossible to attend the first lesson before the add-drop period was over and if it turned out anything like the other two I was going to have a three hour torture session every Tuesday. So you can imagine my relief when the lesson turned out to be anything but what I was dreading. Quite the contrary in fact, though it did serve to underscore my belief that the purpose of marketing is to make people buy things they don't need with money they don't have. Of course marketers say it differently. They say they 'anticipate a need and fill it'. I'd like someone to tell me exactly what need Tamagotchi, or Aibo the wonder cyber mutt fulfil. Or at least claim to.
But that aside the lesson turned out more like an arts lecture than a business one. Lots of participation, good, interesting examples to back up claims. The powerpoint slides the lecturerer displayed just became completely superflous because he had everyone's undivided attention, even if he kept laughing at his own lamearse jokes.
So now I have to come up with a way to essentially holler my name without saying a word by the next class. And somehow I'm relishing the challenge.


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