Tuesday, June 13, 2006

go go czechsters!!

Everyday I spend at Cedar Point makes me feel more and more like just upping and leaving and heading back home. It seems that now a games host has to endure not just verbal and emotional abuse all day but physical abuse as well. Gunball was the name today and knocking cups down with a nerf ball airgun was game. What I totally didn't expect was for this bunch of white dudes come up to my game, pay the $2 each to play, wait for me to load the guns.....and then turn them on me and shoot me right in the face with both guns at the same time. I'm just lucky they were just rubber nerf balls. I let two hokkien vulgarities come out of my mouth before cutting myself off and calling for the cops. But the frikkin mickey mouse police that patrol Cedar Point didn't manage to do anything. Duh....

I need a baseball bat and a room full of glass


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